X200T刷坏BIOS的恢复方法 ZT
在网上看到一个自称成功恢复刷坏了X200T的BIOS的,请刷坏了BIOS的同学验证下是否属实。此人的方法如下:1、Use a usb stick and do a format as FAT from Windows.(使用优盘,在Windows下格式化为FAT格式。)
2、Run WINCRIS.EXE select your formated usb stick Click the "Start" button wait and a message come and say to "Remove your stick and reconect" So remove the stick click "OK" to the window (do not close the WINCRIS.EXE and dont click anything else) and reconect.Afer choose "YES" in the windows say "Do you want to format another crisis disk?" and click again the "Start" button.(This is to make sure we update the CRISBOOT.BIN in usb boot sector. For me works like that.)(If WINCRIS.EXE doesnt run and give an error try to run it in compatibility mod)(运行WINCRIS.EXE程序,指向刚格式化后的优盘,选择“Start”,等待一会儿,会有一则信息说“移除优盘,然后重新连接(插入),此时移除优盘,并单击”OK“(注意不要关闭WINCRIS.EXE,也不要点击其它),重新插入优盘,当窗口提示“你是否想格式化生成另外一份恢复盘?”时,选择“YES”,并点击“Start”。(此步骤是保证我们更新了USB启动扇区中的CRISBOOT.BIN;如果WINCRIS.EXE程序不能运行或者报错,请使用兼容模式运行。))
3、Remove your stick and reconect, copy in the stick the "MINIDOS.SYS"-"PHLASH16.EXE"and finaly your bios with name: bios.wph.(移除优盘,然后重新插入,拷贝MINIDOS.SYS、PHLASH16.EXE和BIOS.WPH文件到优盘上去。)(注:BIOS.WPH文件可由你刷新BIOS自动备份的BIOS.BAK文件直接改名得来。)
bios不能乱刷呀 进来了解一下 进来学习一下 进来学习一下 bios刷坏了,还能恢复。强啊 这个还能恢复的。 看看。。 刷BIOS怕刷成砖头