Current Macbook Pro or Lenovo T500?
Ok so I'm not going to wait for the new Macbook Pro's, but if i'm gonna go Mac, I'm gonna buy the one that is out right now.
What do you recommend? I'm going to UMichigan, and engineering does not have a preference either way, it fits perfectly.
I'm spending 2500$ for the laptop, and I can get a pretty decent Macbook Pro, or a really suped up Lenovo T500 (btw, how much faster is DDR3 than DDR2? the Lenovo has DDR3, while the MBP has DDR2 I believe).
What do you guys recommend?
我不打算等新的MacBook Pro出来了,但如果我去买一个Mac,我倾向于买一个老款的。
你们认为呢? 我即将去密歇根大学念书,对于工程学而言没有偏爱哪一款,都完全可以。
我的预算是2500刀,我可以买到一个相当不错的MacBook Pro或者买牛逼哄哄的联想T500 (另外,DDR3的速度比DDR2快多少?联想用的是DDR3,但我记得MBP用的是DDR2)。
You'll get much more for your money if you go with the Lenovo. It has longer battery life and a slightly better build.
If you plan on spending $2500, I suggest that you get a suped up W500. You'll get a little bit more for your money than a Macbook Pro.
DDR3 is about twice as fast as DDR2 and uses less power.
买联想你会省很多钱, 它的电池寿命更长,构架也更好。
如果你的预算有2500刀,我建议你买牛逼闪闪的W500。 相比买一个MacBook Pro,你的钱用得更值得。
DDR3 is faster but has a higher latency or something, don't remember. anyway, currently it's only marginally faster than DDR2.
how much battery life does the T500 have? Macbook Pros can get something like 4 hours.
T500的电池能用多久? MacBook Pros好像可以用4个小时。
as far as i'm concerned, macbook pros can get up to 6-7 hours
The os x kernel works better with it's hardware, so the MBP will have a better battery life without sacrificing weight;Even with the discrete graphics card( 8600gt>>>>x4500hd). Won't you need a more powerful Video card to run intensive apps for engineering?
I will say that Lenovo products have better build quality than apple computers.The ddr3 ram is nice,though. I built a decent t500 and it came out to about $1,400; versus a 1700 MBP. I'd say choose whichever you like.
Keep in mind lenovo has accidental warranty, but Apple does not.
OS X系统与硬件的兼容性更好,因此MBP能在不牺牲重量的情况下获得更好的电池使用时间,即使是用独立显卡(从8600GT到X4500hd)。 不知你是否需要一个更牛逼的显示来运行密集的工程应用?
我觉得联想的产品质量比苹果牛逼多了.The DDR3的确不错。我买了一台相当不错的t500,相比MBP的1700它只要1400。 我觉得你还是应该选择自己喜欢的。
What exactly is accidental warranty? Is that if you drop something by accident and Lenovo will cover it?
意外保险是虾米? 如果你自己不小心把它摔了,联想负责保修吗?
You probably won't need the warranty. Thinkpads are built like tanks
yea,they will cover drops, spills, etc. It's like $261(for a limited time) for 3 years( accidental and any defective parts and services), while Apple's is like 225 or something for $3 years( non accidental). Dealing with applecare is also very annoying.
是的,他们什么都保修,好像是261保修3年,而苹果是225刀保3年(非意外损坏)。 不过和它们的客服打交道很麻烦的。
The T500 has a battery life of 6hr+ with the 9-cell battery. Though, the original spec sheets claim that it can go up to 8hr with intensive power saving features. Don't like the integrated? Spend $100 more to get a discrete ATI HD3650, which is roughly equivalent to the nVIDIA GeForce 9600.
Though - I have to say, with that kind of money, the W500 with the FireGL 5700 will blow away the MacBook Pro in every aspect except outside looks.
T500使用9芯电池可以续航6个小时。 不过,原来的规格说明书说使用内置电池就可以用8小时。 不喜欢集成显卡? 花100多刀就能买个独立的ATI 3650显卡,性能和NVIDIA GeForce 9600差不多。
不过,我不得不说,有这么多钱,不如买一台W500,它在任何方面都完胜MacBook Pro,除了外表。
I'd rather carry around a 5.4 lb laptop than one that weighs 6.5+( 9 cell is heavy). I get 4 and a half hours with my macbook just surfing the web( yes, airport ON). About 4 hours when listening to itunes music and surfing the web.
Plus after being a windows user for many years, i can vouch and say that os X is a more efficient OS. Snow leopard will be amazing.
我宁愿携带一台5.4英镑的电脑而不是6.5磅以上的(9芯电池真TM重)。 如果只是上上网我的macbook可以用4个半小时。 如果听iTunes音乐同时上网的话大概4个小时。
我是Windows的老用户了,我可以很肯定的说,OS X系统用起来更有效率。雪豹未来一定很牛逼。
I agree. Using OS X Leopard is a nice breath of fresh air after using Windows my entire life. I was facing the same dilemma before I bought my macbook pro a month ago in that I was having a hard time swallowing the price I was paying when I could get a computer with much better specs for that price. I ended up going with the MBP and I'm very very happy with that decision. The premium that Apple make you pay is well worth the money in my opinion when you factor in the operating system and the integration.
楼上的我顶你。 整天没完没了用WINDOWS我都快吐了,用OS X Leopard就像是呼吸新鲜空气。 在我一个月前买了mbp之前,我面临同样的困境,毕竟以同样的价格我可以得到性能更好的电脑, 但最终我还是买了MBP,我觉得我的选择十分对。 苹果虽然让你多付出了不少钱,但我认为物有所值,因为你会爱上它的操作系统和一体化理念的。
MacBook Pro, end of discussion.
I won't comment on the PC vs Mac decision - too many dimensions/factors in the decision for someone else to opine. They are both excellent laptops.
Mac和PC没有可比性,这中间有太多的个人情感和个人感知。 他们都是牛逼的电脑。 汗,谁翻译的 看看就好,大家自己体会原文吧